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Nexus 7 Is probably The Hardest gadget To Unbox [VIDEO]

unveiled late last month at Google I/O 2012, the Nexus 7 is one of the most well received tablets since the iPad 2. critics are absolutely loving the Nexus 7 because it offers the features of a $500 tablet – quad core processor, a gig of RAM, HD display, long lasting battery life, powerful graphics etc. etc. – at just $199. combine all that with the latest version of Android, 4.1 Jelly Bean, and you get the best in Android tablet experiences today.

Most of these critics received their review unit of the Nexus 7 at Google I/O. The first thing these folks do is record themselves unboxing the device. I’ve never personally found any interest in watching people unbox a gadget, but one Jean-Louis Nguyen went through some of the most popular unboxing videos and created a montage out of them after he realized that the Nexus 7’s packaging is horribly difficult to open. check it out after the jump.

The video – which we’ve embedded at the very bottom – shows shorts clips taken from unboxing videos recorded by fifteen different reviewers coming from sites like DroidDog, PocketNow, Phandroid, LATimes, TechnoBuffalo, PhoneDog and GameStop.

All reviewers are shown pushing and pulling, shaking and baking, and almost coming near to pulling their hair out as they do their best to remove the Nexus 7 from its packaging, in short; it’s a small fight to unbox a Nexus 7 tablet, something which might prove to be a turn-off for a lot of users. Nguyen categorically states that this video is for comic relief purposes and is “all in good humor”.

The release of the Nexus 7 has given rise to Kindle fire 2 and iPad mini rumors, which are expected to be announced later this year. While the Nexus 7 has pretty much every tablet beat on pure specifications, it still lacks the terrific variety of digital content – music, movies, TV shows – that Amazon and Apple offer. If Amazon and Apple can match the Nexus 7’s specs and offer the same digital library, then the Nexus 7 will be in for some very heavy competition.

And we all love competition in the market, it really makes us drool over the choices we have before we ultimately go for the purchase.

You may also like to check out:

Google Nexus 7 Unboxed.. By Ninjas! [VIDEO]

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